Arts Action Agenda

Toi o Taraika Arts Wellington regularly builds a clear list of issues facing the Wellington arts sector and ideas to tackle them. Our first Arts Action Agenda was created in 2018, and then refreshed in 2020 to tackle Covid-19 issues.  

Read and download the current Toi o Taraika Arts Action Agenda

Thank you to everyone who fed into this kaupapa (particularly IDIA, Toi Māori and over 100 participants).

It's time for us to hear from you again to develop our next agenda. 

The Arts Action Agenda process allows each individual to feed in their issues and ideas, and then as a collective, we discuss and prioritise the top issues we will advocate for. This enables us as a sector to have a coherent list of priorities and a collective voice.

Tuesday 10 October 

12.30pm - 2pm (with light lunch)
Renouf Foyer, Michael Fowler Centre
Wakefield Street, Wellington

How do I take part?

Please register for the Arts Action Agenda Hui event here 

There will also be a survey for you to complete for those who did attend, and also for those who couldn’t attend to have their voice heard.
I’m an independent practitioner, can I take part?
Please do! ToTAW remains focused on increasing access and advocacy for independent artists and practitioners. One way we are doing this is by making $50 available for those who are not on salary and who need support to take part. To register for this please complete this simple form. We do have a limited budget but please do apply if you need and we should be able to support you.